
Senin, 04 Juli 2011

I believe that I can do

this time the prof will invite friends to a township which was dry spirit, courage and thinking big dry

here we see how many people do anything without a purpose

do something without his confidence of success

Was not it worth it?

too many people who do not have the spirit and thinking big in his life

enough with what is now

too afraid to face risks

is not that ridiculous?

why be scared if they believe in God?

Sagat prof will not believe this

way to becoming an activist campus, formerly prof so much to do various activities

starting from the activities of local up to national standard

although sometimes in the event a lot of obstacles, but all remain in the plan

and well-controlled

all depends on the concept of initial and goal setting and theme that will be taken.

so also in the course of one's life, tujan determination and the concept in the next few years should have been determined

ranging from long-term plan samapai on short-term plans

and what things should be done in the short term until the technical level

ignorant of the various tests that will come

terkhir thing you do is think big and feel the fresh breeze

I certainly can, I can do something for the future

never lose the passion for bankit

many times the usual fall

because if it did not fall, we do not learn pernag

from now on, feel the success for start something

feel it in heart to struggle in achieving success

because you feel the success of the success achieved in advance for the fight

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